Beck-Chance, Coltrane

Posted on August 10, 2022

Coltrane Beck Chance, Class of 2024

Coltrane Beck-Chance, ’24
B.A. Psychology, University of North Carolina, Greensboro (2019)
Email: [email protected]
Pronouns: he/him/his

Brief Bio

Hi everyone! My name is Coltrane Beck-Chance, and I am from Charlotte, North Carolina. I graduated from UNC Greensboro, and am very excited to be back at this university working on my master’s. I graduated with a major in psychology and a concentration in pre-medicine with minors in biology and chemistry. During my time at UNC Greensboro I worked at Jackson Library, and was a Spartan guide. I also worked in the I.D.E.A lab, where I ran experiments assessing the experience of mind wandering and the individual differences of mind wandering between people. After graduation, I worked various jobs, and eventually found myself moving to Durham. While in Durham I worked at the UNC Adult and Cancer Genetics clinic. At this clinic I primarily scheduled patients, created digital copies of pedigrees in Progeny, and worked with data assessing the amount of referrals we are receiving and the patients we are seeing each month. Lastly, I worked on a team where I was triaging all of our adult cases to make sure that they are referred to the best clinic for them. 

During my free time, I love to listen to music, with a cup of coffee, in my back porch. If I’m not there, I may be walking a trail, or having a meal at a restaurant with my partner and friends. To anybody who is reading this, that is interested in genetic counseling and has questions, please reach out. I would love to be able to help clear up any confusion you may have while on your journey to become a genetic counselor. 

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